Video Production Studio

Generate new business with custom-branded videos. Open doors, explain what you do, and speed up your sales process.

Voodoo's mega-award-winning production team leverages our creativity and experience to generate results and high ROI for you. Working with Voodoo is the easiest, most cost-effective way to produce strategic video content for your prospecting and marketing efforts.

How do we keep costs low?

We've revolutionized the use of video templates — national-quality industry-vertical video productions we can customize for you and your business. We customize most templates in up to 12 ways. We add your logo, tagline, fonts and brand colors. We switch out select video clips with footage unique to your company. We highlight your areas of emphasis, and we change the professional narration. When we're done, your video is YOURS — original enough that you can use it to anchor both your website and your YouTube channel.

But by starting with a template — instead of writing, shooting and editing a video from scratch — you can save as much as 90% compared to a script-to-screen production. What's more, many Voodoo productions qualify for vendor marketing funds reimbursement. Talk to us!


What if you want 100% custom video production?

No problem. If you want fully custom production, we do it all the time. Scripting, post-production and other creative work can be completed entirely through online meetings and reviews. We'll take you from concept to campaign in 6 weeks or less. 


Got videophobia?

A lot of organizations — even big ones — fear video production.

They assume it’s expensive, time-consuming and fraught with peril. 

Voodoo Video Marketing is never afraid of video. In fact, we love it, believe in it and know from experience that it can and should play a central role in your business communications. A MUCH larger role than it currently plays at most organizations.     

When used strategically throughout the customer life-cycle, video can produce huge gains in sales, customer satisfaction, repeat business, brand loyalty and referral generation. Done right, video marketing is the ultimate growth-hack to enhance your success and free up you and your staff.

What kind of video do you need?

Voodoo produces customized videos
from our exclusive industry-specific templates.

We also produce 100% custom, turn-key videos
in the following styles (and many more):

Company Flagship Video

Concierge-Style Video

Case Study Testimonial Video

Top of Funnel Awareness Video

Whiteboard Explainer Video
Many videos qualify for vendor marketing funds reimbursement.

 Contact us to discuss your project and get a fast quote: 510-725-4035 ext 1