Live example: Manufacturer video embedded in a channel reseller's custom Voodoo frame with Digital Business Card.
It all happens automagically. Find out more below.

Why use Voodoo versions instead of YouTube versions?
Playing YouTube videos through Voodoo instantly personalizes and custom-brands them. When one of your reps send a video out to your prospects or customers, the video plays in that rep's personalized web frame.  Voodoo tracks exactly who is watching the videos, and you can receive instant notifications. What's more, you can avoid directing people to YouTube itself, where they often get distracted by other videos or competitors that are not relevant. Meanwhile every video view — no matter which rep sent it — gets aggregated in the YouTube view count for that video.

Corporate Video without Voodoo

Post Voodoo versions on your website improves viewer experience and branding.

Voodoo increases the impact of videos on your website. You can replace small embedded video viewer with a click-through thumbnail image.  When visitors click-through, they see a full-size video in your custom-branded frame.  Click here to see an example of how a telecom channel partner (Co-Nexus) links their videos to website thumbnails using Voodoo.

Social media and the Voodoo Digital Business Card
In addition to your campaigns, you can post videos on LinkedIn, Facebook and twitter and use them in each rep's email signature. These techniques will up your video views on YouTube quickly and give you incredible value from your video content and your Voodoo investment.